My Story about Someday

“Life is just a bowl of queries.  Keep searching my friends.”

We took a family vacation to Harper’s Ferry West Virginia, a strategic ammunition site in the civil war. The Appalachian Trail passes through Harper’s Ferry as well.  I made the brash statement to my children “Someday, I’d like to hike the Trail from Maine to Georgia”.  So we stopped in the trail conservancy shop and prominently displayed in their lobby is a T shirt that reads “S M T W T F S: You see, there is no someday.”

Sighs.  So I bought the T shirt but still haven’t  hiked the entire AT distance.  Nevertheless, I’m blessed to have achieved a lot other somedays in my life and career.  And it gives me great pleasure to help others achieve their “someday”  through Board, Consulting, Advisory, Investing, and Volunteer services.

someday boat

Recently, my wife snapped this pic on the ICW in Venice, Florida. Clearly, someone who has also thought alot about Someday.

Tell your “someday” story here